I did something I don't usually do today: I picked up and read a newspaper. What does it take for me to read news on paper? Weed in the headlines.
Very few know this about me, but I'm actually pro legalization of marijuana. Not really because I want to smoke it. I think it's probably pretty overrated. Actually, that's a pretty good explanation of why I think it should be legal. Such a harmless thing being illegal turns a lot of people into criminals who shouldn't be.
I'm not saying it's okay or not okay to smoke weed, but as you can see from the graphic on the right, it sure seems to cause less harm than other perfectly legal recreational activities. The most violent things pot heads are likely to do is accidentally kick a buddy playing hackey sack. Even sports spectatorship is more violent than toking it up.
In Amsterdam where "soft" drugs (weed, hash, 'shrooms) are tolerated, but still not legal, there is a lower percentage of drug addicts than America's plain old alcoholics. But, I'm sure you've heard this all before. I don't really know where I stand on mushrooms. I'm leaning toward legalizing, mainly because they're natural (like weed). I've also heard they're not addictive. I don't quite believe it, but I haven't found anything to the contrary. I'm definitely not interested in trying 'shrooms. I guess if they were legal, it would be a lot easier to know what I'm eating, but there are way too many bad mushrooms in the world for me to trust what whatever some numbnut out of the dorms is selling.
wow i dont know if you still check this blog but that wa deep man. i think you could go somewhere with that argument
I don't really check it but I do still get emails when someone comments on a post. Nothing I said there is really original. If you're interested in that line of thinking check out NORML, SAFER, and High Times Magazine
What are your thoughts on California Prop 19?
Alcohol companies seem to see it as competition. Why don't they just make weed beer and we'll all get thoroughly screwed up?
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