Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hello Funnyfaces!

"There are a few things in this world that give me an almost inexplicable sense of joy. Things like: kittens, sunny days, warm chocolate chip cookies, free drinks, and hookers with hearts of gold.

Whenever these things come into my life I always feel a warm, glowing happiness. Although, the happiness that these things bring, is far outstripped by the uncontrollable and completely illogical feeling of joy I get when playing a Katamari game."

I just read an article about Beautiful Katamari for the Xbox360. I wish it had been about the Wii version, but it was still enough to get me excited.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Code Monkey Like You

My brother sent me an amazing anime music video. Not only is it awesome, but it also makes me want to find teh band and that anime.
Thanks Roger!

Monday, July 02, 2007


I'm going to Ozzfest. Dude at work gave me and my buddy free VIP tix. Front row center, bitches.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Coors Robot

Coors is a large place. A very large place. I was under Clear Creek today while still inside the brewery. And I keep saying things that keep getting me strange looks and chuckles. I'm helping perform a printer inventory which means tracking down every printer in the five mile Coors valley, putting a little bar code sticker on it, and doing a bunch of paperwork on each one. The other day I was putting the bar codes on printers and I was like, "Man, if I was a robot I could put these on straight every time."

Yesterday my mind was being boggled by all the locations I was being led to to find tucked-away and hard to find printers. I, of course, was thoroughly lost, confused, and discombobulated (side note: surprisingly the Firefox and Blogger spellcheckers have discombobulated as a real word). I was imagining releasing robots on helicopter rotors with cameras to map the entire brewery so we could make a digital map for Unreal Tournament or Counter-Strike or some other similar 3D game engine, and then wishing I could have just been doing it the whole time with my brain and I was like, "Man, if I was a robot I would never get lost." It was rich.

Really, I'd prefer to be a cyborg. My questions about the mind-body problem make me reluctant to sign up for a mind transfer to a completely mechanical body. Yep, I'm a nerd.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Kiss Me, I'm a Pirate

I always thought it was hilarious when my bootlegged DVDs still had that "You wouldn't steal a car; you wouldn't steal a purse; etc" thing at the beginning, but seeing this image reminds me of how much I hate companies treating their legitimate customers like criminals and makes me think maybe I should start asking my source to leave them out.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Silent Star Wars

January 1st, for the first time ever, I sat down and watched all three of the original Star Wars movies in one sitting. I found out tonight I could have done it in a minute fifteen seconds.